In Studio Kura, located in Futamigaura, Itoshima City, artists from around the world visit and participate in a long-term Artist-in-Residence program. Every month, they welcome about 10 artists from various regions such as Asia, Europe, and America. Each artist engages in creative activities while experiencing the area, community, and culture of Itoshima.
The representative of Studio Kura, Hirofumi Matsuzaki, is an artist who studied contemporary art while living in Germany for five years. The origin of Studio Kura lies in the renovation of a rice storehouse located at his family home in Itoshima for artists who wanted to stay in Japan. Now, they use three private homes in the Futamigaura area as Artist-in-Residence facilities, where artists live while interacting with local people.
Every month, Studio Kura hosts a “International Art Exhibition,” a production presentation event for resident artists. Admission is free. Artist talks, where the artists themselves explain their works, are popular as they allow for the audience to easily interact and learn about the background and messages behind the artwork.
Event dates, details, and introductions to the resident artists can be found on the Itoshima Now website, as well as Studio Kura’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
Art Gallery – Studio Kura
586 Nijo-masue, Itoshima City, Fukuoka
Hirofumi Matsuzaki Interview Article – Creating a Global Art Hub in Itoshima City