Food & Drink

Akka Punto Effe – Agriturismo

After renting a plot of land for years to grow vegetables for their Italian restaurant in Fukuoka, Chef Hiroshi Fujita and his wife Hiroko moved their kitchen and home to Itoshima. They had become hooked and wanted the full countryside experience, and now they offer that to their guests. Open for lunch and dinner, fabulous Italian dishes made with vegetables fresh from their fields are offered a la carte or as full course meals. Their hens provide the eggs, milk is from their goat, fish from the nearby fishermen, and gibier from the local hunter. On the second floor there are two tastefully appointed and spacious rooms with ensuite baths and views of the valley and distant seaside. Guests interested in getting a closer look or connection to their food are welcome to pick fruit or help with vegetable planting. The Fujitas love to give tours of their grounds and introduce their animals. There might not be a better way to experiences the charms and flavors of Itoshima.

Itoshima Akka Punto Effe - shop exterior, 糸島のアグリツーリズモ、イタリアンレストランのアッカプントエッフェ

Itoshima Akka Punto Effe -  chef Hiroshi Fujita and his wife Hiroko, 糸島のアグリツーリズモ、アッカプントエッフェのオーナー藤田夫妻

Itoshima Akka Punto Effe, 糸島のアグリツーリズモ、アッカプントエッフェは自家製食材と地産地消にこだわります

Itoshima Akka Punto Effe, 糸島のアグリツーリズモ、アッカプントエッフェは自家製食材と地産地消にこだわります

Itoshima Akka Punto Effe, 糸島のアクアツーリズモ、アッカプントエッフェは自家製食材と地産地消にこだわります

Itoshima Akka Punto Effe, 十坊山の麓にある糸島のアグリツーリズモ、イタリアンレストランのアッカプントエッフェ周辺

Itoshima Akka Punto Effe - tastefully appointed and spacious rooms, 十坊山の麓にある糸島のアグリツーリズモ、イタリアンレストランのアッカプントエッフェ

Itoshima Akka Punto Effe - chef Hiroshi Fujita and his wife Hiroko with their goat, 十坊山の麓にある糸島のアグリツーリズモ、イタリアンレストランのアッカプントエッフェ

Akka Punto Effe
• Address: 389-1 Nijo-yoshii, Itoshima City, Fukuoka (5 min. drive from Fukuyoshi Sta.)
• Tel: 092-326-6301
• Open: Lunch: 11:45~14:00, Cafe: 14:00~16:00, Dinner: 17:30~22:00
* Room, course meal, dinner: reservation required at least one day in advance
• Close: Irregular

Nijo - 二丈エリア
Published: Nov 27, 2018 / Last Updated: Apr 5, 2022
